Fr. Pavone Encourages Electors to Protect the Vote of the People

Priests for Life

Publication Date: December 13, 2020


Contact:  Leslie Palma  - 917-697-7039

TITUSVILLE, FL - Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and a proud supporter of President Donald Trump, issued the following statement of encouragement today to the 538 men and women who will vote tomorrow in the Electoral College:

“On Monday, Dec. 14, you will be privileged to carry out a duty identified in the Constitution of the United States, to elect the President of the United States. As you know, federal law sets the date as the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December.

“As you also know, the process by which you are selected to carry out this role is based on the way that voters in your state voted in the recent election.

“There are, in a number of states, serious questions as to whether that vote was conducted in a legal and Constitutional manner, and not all of those questions have been adequately resolved up to this point. For that reason, I respectfully urge you to carry out your responsibility in a manner that takes these unique circumstances into account, and that, to the best dictates of your knowledge and conscience, both protects and represents the will of the voters in your state.

“In some cases this may mean voting for someone other than you are expected to vote, or abstaining altogether. This is not unprecedented. In regard to this, you obviously have the laws of your state to take into account. In some states, you are not obliged to vote for the candidate who has been certified; in other states, there is no penalty for changing your vote.

“I urge you to consider in detail all the Constitutional questions that have been raised, all the hearings that have been held, all the concerns that has been raised by tens of millions of your fellow citizens, and all the consequences for our nation, and vote in a manner consistent with your conscience. I urge you to be free of political pressure and focus only on what is good for the country and right in the sight of God. Where appropriate I urge you to exercise conscientious objection.

“The votes of the people are respected only when legal votes are distinguished from illegal ones, and when the count is carried out in a manner consistent with the Constitution. This is a legal and ethical consideration that the Members of Congress will also need to take into account when they tally and certify your votes in joint session at 1 p.m. ET on Jan. 6.

“There is a reason our founders chose men and women – rather than automatic processes -- to carry out these electoral tasks. Men and women can discern all the circumstances that accompany their duties, and submit them to the light of conscience. That is what you have the privilege to do this Monday. I join my fellow citizens in thanking you for carrying out this duty.”

Priests for Life (EndAbortion.US) is the world’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated exclusively to ending abortion.

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