TITUSVILLE, FL -- Another undercover call was released today by Priests for Life, working in conjunction with Abortion Free New Mexico, revealing late -term abortions of healthy babies carried by healthy mothers in the state of Florida.
Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life and Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement about the call:
"Pro-abortion extremists demand that late-term abortions must remain legal in America for women whose lives are placed at risk if they don't have access to them. This undercover investigation turns the tables on this pro-abortion fear mongering.
“In fact, in this new undercover phone call placed to Presidential Women's Center in West Palm Beach, FL, the abortion worker tells the caller that a pre-screening is done before obtaining a late-term abortion at 22 weeks. The screening, however, is not to determine what life-threatening complication mandates the procedure; instead the abortion staffer reveals, 'We want to make sure you're healthy, that's why we do the screening.'
“When the caller then specifically asks, 'There doesn't have to be anything wrong with the baby?' to obtain the abortion, she is given an emphatic 'No.'
“It's time to move beyond the lies and disinformation being peddled by pro-abortion extremists. U.S. elected officials rely on accurate information and this investigation exposes that late-term abortions are being obtained by healthy women carrying healthy babies who by 20 weeks gestation are fully capable of feeling pain.
“Please share these undercover recordings with your U.S. Senators and urge them to support the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, S. 1922."
To take action on this bill, see the action alert at www.StopAbortionNow.org.
Hear this call and others at www.PriestsForLife.org/LateTermAbortion.
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit www.priestsforlife.org.