Youth Joyfully Join in Pro-Life Rallies


Document Publication: Catholic News Service - Washington, DC

Publication Date: February 01, 2004

Silent No More

At a press conference shortly before the march, several members of Silent No More spoke about the emotional, physical and psychological effects of having had abortions.

Karen Bodle, of Harrisburg, Pa., said she had an abortion after she became pregnant at 18 from her first sexual encounter.

"For years, I was pro-choice because I thought I had to justify my own choice," she said. "I lived with chronic depression and spent six weeks in a mental hospital with nervous breakdown because of the fear that I would not have any children. It took over two years to recover my ability to think and act normally."  Joyce Zounis of Colorado talked about the physical damage to her body from having seven abortions over 11 years.

"The warning label of abortion should read: 'Caution: abortion can result in years of grief, physical and emotional pain, mood swings, eating disorders, promiscuity, low self-esteem, health problems and relationship problems, with your spouse and children,"' she said.

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