H.R. 2621 – China Human Rights Protection Act
The China Human Rights Protection Act would establish sanctions to be
imposed against any Chinese national seeking entry into the United States
who has performed or assisted in human rights violations. Such human rights
violations include torture, extrajudicial killings, forced abortion or
sterilization, and medical or psychological experimentation or organ
harvesting done without freely obtained consent.
Sanctions authorized by the legislation include the denial or revocation of
an entry visa into the United States and the blocking of property
transactions within the United States. An exception is made, in accordance
with an international treaty, to allow entry to those travelling to the
United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The complete text of H.R. 2621 may be found at
H.R. 2621 was introduced by Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-4). A list of the
bill’s co-sponsors may be found at
6-2-15 Introduced in the House of Representatives and referred to the
Committees on Foreign Affairs and the Judiciary.
6-16-15 Referred to the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration
and Border Security.
8-20-15 Referred to the Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on Asia and
the Pacific and Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights
and International Organizations.
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